Help RDA meet rising costs over
winter and you can help make this winter much brighter for the RDA community, 
our volunteers, participants, and horses! 

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The cost of living crisis is leading to dramatically increasing costs across the whole RDA community – from our National Office and National Training Centre, to our regions and member groups. And of course our valued volunteers, participants and their families are impacted by rising prices too.

We’re committed to maintaining the welfare of our amazing horses, and continuing to deliver our life-changing activities to the disabled community. We can’t do this without your support.

Your donation today could:

* Help with rising costs over winter such as fuel, electricity, and essential supplies

* Help cover the increasing cost of caring for horses, including veterinary bills

* Help provide essential volunteer training and other RDA educational programmes .

Sarah Healing with a horse
Speech bubble identifying Sarah Healing as the quote speaker

Whilst we are a very determined group the outlook over the coming winter for Penniwells RDA is worrying – with the cost of living forever rising, going forward we are worried about how we will survive.

Despite these rising costs, we want to ensure that our participants can still access their RDA sessions and that we continue our work to improve and grow our services so that more disabled children and adults can experience the benefit of horse therapy. 

Please donate today. Your gift, however large or small, will make a very real difference to our community.

Give a Donation 

Your gift this winter, however large or small, will make a real tangible difference to our community. We know we are all being stretched financially just now. Like many others, we are facing a tough winter against a 54% increase in electricity prices, fuel more than doubling in price, and a 10% rise in consumer pricing which is affecting our supplies.  

To support RDA this winter you can donate by:

  • Making your winter gift to RDA online to our Just Giving page.
  • Making a text donation – to donate £5, text RDAUK to 70970*

In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates)

* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). For Terms & Conditions, see


Donate gifts in kind

At this time of year RDA groups particularly need feed and winter rugs. Please contact your local RDA group if you have some vital resources to contribute. Find your local group here

Alternatively, you could register your interest in volunteering with your local group.  


Thank you for any support you can give this winter.