Contact Us
If you are looking for an RDA group near you, please visit our ‘find a group’ page and contact them directly. Otherwise, please call or email our friendly office team.

Monday – Thursday: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Weekends and bank holidays Closed
Lowlands Equestrian Centre
Old Warwick Road
CV35 7AX
Complaints or concerns
We hope that your experience with RDA will always be positive, but if not, it is important that experiences are shared.
We would always hope that disagreements could be settled between individuals involved where possible. If this is not possible, concerns regarding your experience at your local RDA Group should be made to the Group Chair in the first instance. If not resolved or if the compliant is directed against the Group Chair, complaints should be escalated to the County or Regional Chair.
Click here to view the RDA Complaints Procedure which should be used to share concerns regarding the actions or behaviour of any RDA UK Volunteer, member of RDA National Office staff, or RDA UK Trustee (Board Member).
To report a concern:
If you think someone is at immediate risk of abuse or harm, contact either the police or social services.