This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the focus of the week is anxiety.
Anxiety is a common feeling, but sometimes it can get beyond our control and interfere with our daily lives. In the UK, over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time.
This week, we are highlighting some of the amazing work our RDA Groups do to support those with anxiety and other mental health issues, and how getting involved at RDA can also be a tool to support you and your mental health.
Saxon RDA are located in the county of Wilshire and are doing some great work in working closely with Wiltshire Council and Social Prescribers in the county to receive people who are socially prescribed to their Group.
Social prescribing is also known as community referral, in which a person is referred to a non-clinical, local service by a health professional. It is a great method of providing alternative help with not just physiotherapy and physical activity, but also for mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and loneliness.
One of their volunteers was socially prescribed to them and kindly told us their story:
“I have suffered with my mental health with anxiety and depression for years. On top of that I have ADHD. I am unable to work and I used to hate Mondays as my family would either be at school or at work and I knew I would be stuck indoors all week on my own. I just use to play on the computer all the time and felt really alone.
My support worker is really good and together we found out about Saxon Group RDA. I loved being around horses and being outside so it seemed a good match.
The Group is really friendly and the horses and I have some great chats and I find them very therapeutic. Not everyone knows about my mental health and I like it like that because I am not labelled and I am treated the same as everyone else. There is so much to get involved with this group and I can help out with whatever I want to. When I am here I can just be me and it is my time and I can forget about my worries, now I love Mondays as it gives me something to look forward to”.
RDA is one of the best opportunities for social prescribing in the UK. Our Groups often work in the heart of their community and play an important role in supporting those in the community. This extends to those going through mental health challenges like loneliness, depression and anxiety.